Self Care at Home with Dr. Debbie Magids

Curb the Carbs with the 17 Day Diet

Is it time for you to curb the carbs? Yes and no. Don’t ditch them altogether, just eat the right ones. Remember, carbohydrates are energy foods. Without them, you’ll get fuzzy headed, cranky, and very tired, and no one will want to be around you. 🙁 Low carb diets say that all carbs are evil and […]
Stay Young with Dr. Valter Longo

17 Day Diet Mexican Chocolate Pudding

The 17 Day Diet Mexican Chocolate Pudding is the perfect treat when you are craving chocolate. Chocolate is heavenly and is a terrible thing to miss when you are dieting. With this recipe you can have your chocolate and eat it too. 😉 You can make this pudding as spicy or mild as you like. […]
COVID-19 Front Line with Dr. Raj Dasgupta

Eating Protein for Weight Loss

Eating protein for weight loss is one of the “easiest” healthy eating changes you can make. That’s a fact. Protein is a powerful fat burner. That’s why it’s a fundamental food choice on the 17 Day Diet. By adding more protein to your diet, you’ll not only lose weight faster, you’ll also enjoy these benefits: […]
The Why and How of Forgiveness with Dr. Worthington and Dr. Toussaint

17 Day Diet Lettuce Wraps with Chicken

The 17 Day Diet lettuce wraps are so versatile. If you don’t like chicken you can use ground turkey, ground beef or even tuna. They are quick and easy and make a delicious and fresh lunch you can take anywhere. The best part – you can enjoy these lettuce wraps any time while living The […]
Avoid Sports Injuries and Heal Your Spine with Dr. Brendan Murray

Emotional Eating with Cynthia Sass