5 Ways to Jumpstart Your Metabolism


Metabolism is how your body changes the nutrients in the food and drink you consume into energy. And energy is essential for your body to function on every level. As you get older, your metabolism slows down. So, you want to do everything you can to fuel its fires and keep it going strong. The […]

17 Ways to Maximize the Health Benefits of Fruits and Veggies

Fruits and veggies

One of the biggest challenges in sticking with a diet and achieving the best results possible is that things can get redundant. The easiest and most effective “secret” to overcoming this is to load your diet with a wide variety of fruits and veggies. When you’re meal prepping, even if you’re doing a great job it […]

Air Fryer Recipes – 17 Day Diet Approved!


An air fryer is one of the best gadgets out there to help you stay on track and live the 17 Day Diet lifestyle. You’ll save time on meal prep and cooking, plus your whole family will enjoy these delish recipes! 5 Air Fryer Recipes – 17 Day Diet Approved! Healthy Air Fryer Baked Salmon […]

17 Day Diet Baked Tilapia Packets

Baked tilapia packets

These baked tilapia packets will help you kick-up your seafood repertoire. With recent attention focused on the high contamination levels of some types of fish, farm tilapia is a toxin-free and environmentally friendly alternative. Tilapia is a freshwater white fish with edible skin and a mild taste. It’s very low in fat: a 6-ounce serving […]

Digestive Problems Solved on the 17 Day Diet

digestive problems

I see a lot of digestive problems in my private practice. No surprise, considering that every year approximately 70 million adults in America suffer from tummy troubles such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, constipation, and numerous other symptoms that cause discomfort or worse. This is serious because poor digestion can also be at the root of […]