Balance Your Body with Dr. Nancy Lonsdorf

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balance your body


DR. MIKE MORENO: Many doctors and patients are seeking out a holistic approach to wellness. Lucky for us, Ayurvedic medicine has over 3000 years of a head start doing just that. Originating in India, Ayer meaning life and Vayda meaning science or knowledge. 3,000 years, that leaves a lot of catching up to do. I’m really excited about what we’re going to talk about today.

So today we brought in, as we always do, one of the best, Dr. Nancy Lonsdorf, who’s among the nation’s most prominent Ayurvedic doctors, physician, author and educator specializing in specializing in women’s health, brain health and executive wellness. Dr. Lonsdorf is leading the way in integrating, remember that word, integrating Eastern and Western medical traditions. She is going to help us, and believe me, we all need this at this point, relieve pain and stress and to bring balance to our bodies using methods proven effective for over 3,000 years. So without more hesitation, welcome, Dr. Lonsdorf.

DR. NANCY LONSDORF: Thank you, Dr. Mike. I’m really excited to be here.

DR. MIKE MORENO: Now, you went to medical school at Johns Hopkins, is that right?

DR. NANCY LONSDORF: That’s correct.

DR. MIKE MORENO: Now, your residency, which was at Stanford, two amazing places, by the way, that was in psychiatry, is that right?


DR. MIKE MORENO: Ok, so from there take me through that journey. I can imagine, I have obviously lots of colleagues and friends who are psychiatrists and they do traditional psychiatry. So at what point did a light bulb go off? Take us through that.

DR. NANCY LONSDORF: Well, I started out I think I was a little bit of a rebel or independent figure to begin with.

DR. MIKE MORENO: I like you already.

DR. NANCY LONSDORF: When I was a teenager I started to get interested in vitamins and nutrition and diet. Then I learned transcendental meditation when I was 16. I was fascinated by the mind and the idea that we have more mental potential than we used. So, I dived into that and I wanted to be a doctor that preceded everything. So, I thought, well, I want to be a doctor who really helps people get healthy. And I’d love to use what I’ve learned about meditation and diet and all that mostly mind body. I was thinking so when I applied to Johns Hopkins Medical School in my interview, they asked me what I was interested in and I said this was 1978. I said, well I want to study mind body medicine and I didn’t even know that it barely exists.

DR. MIKE MORENO: I was going to say they were probably like… what!?

DR. NANCY LONSDORF: Trust me, it’s pretty amazing.

DR. MIKE MORENO: What led to that at such a young age or do you know?

DR. NANCY LONSDORF: I think it was destiny. I grew up in Green Bay, Wisconsin, and I can tell you I did not even know what a massage was back then. I never heard of it.


DR. NANCY LONSDORF: I never heard of health food. I just grew up on S-A-D, standard American diet. I guess it was just destiny. It was mostly my fascination and my idea that there is more to health, there is more to the mind than we know. I think when you start exploring with meditation; you become open to all sorts of things. It really opens your mind to other dimensions so to speak.

DR. MIKE MORENO: Now we hear terms like alternative medicine, we integrative medicine, and holistic medicine. So give us a little sort of 101 on these terms. And where does where does Ayurvedic fit into this? Because there’s so many things you hear these days.

DR. NANCY LONSDORF: Well integrated refers to an integration of the conventional, a Western objective medical science kind of approach to health, as well as something that’s more natural or holistic or taking into account a person’s lifestyle and their diet and their mental state and their spiritual well-being. So, I would say it’s combining the so-called holistic with the Western medical. Although, these terms are getting blurred- I was on the Mayo Clinic website the other day and they were talking about how they do holistic health. And I thought, what a joke!

DR. MIKE MORENO: People are getting carried away.

DR. NANCY LONSDORF: They know what people want to hear and what they want today, and all power to them but the more they try to be holistic, it’s only going to help people’s health and their outcomes. I think it is still a limited approach in Western medicine when they try to be integrative. I think holistic means looking at the whole picture and why does this person have these symptoms?


DR. NANCY LONSDORF: What’s going on for them? What are their exposures, their risks, their lifestyle, their environment that could have created this problem for them? Instead of just saying, you train the same idea and people go to ask you, Doctor, why do I have rheumatoid arthritis or why do I have irritable bowel or why do I have migraine or headaches or whatever? We just say, well, we don’t really know.


DR. NANCY LONSDORF: You probably have a genetic tendency for it. We know certain things might make it worse, like stress, but other than that, we don’t really know what to tell you.

DR. MIKE MORENO: Yeah, it’s interesting because I’ve always been, and I was speaking to the team earlier about this. We go back 3,000 years ago, right? People talk about the pendulum of health and wellness and treatment. 3,000 years ago, this kind of stuff was being utilized and with obvious effectiveness as well. Then along came maybe Big Pharma and all these other things. The pendulum swings the entire opposite direction. I feel because there’s so much policy and politics and money behind it, it has this tendency to maintain that pendulum going the exact opposite way. And, hey, we just want a little balance.

I tell my patients all the time, there’s no limit into all of the things that may help a particular disease entity. It just you have to look at diet. You have to look at stress. You have to look at people’s upbringing. We talk about the store as a school. I worked with Dr. Vince Felitti, who came up with a study that looks at adverse childhood. But I mean, there are so many things. In med school, I was in med school in the early 90s. It’s like they cram all these stuff down your throat. But we never talked about nutrition and a lot of that stuff. Now I think, thank God here in 2021, we are getting to that. But it’s just about looking at the whole body, which is why I think the whole principles which what I want to explain next, the principles of your Vedic medicine are.

So, let’s now dive into it. I think we have a little bit of an idea, a good idea that integrative medicine rather brings an integration of eastern Western. Then we go a dive a little deeper into Ayurvedic medicine. Let’s talk about some of those principles.

DR. NANCY LONSDORF: Yeah, I it brings a whole new dimension to even natural medicine, holistic medicine or functional medicine. Ayurvedic has its own way of looking at the body and it’s totally compatible with Western medicine. Functional medicine just has another language, and it looks at more connectedness, different ways of connecting the body. So, let me just give you an example, In Western medicine, we look at the organ systems and they’re made up of tissues and they’re made up of molecules and cells and all that. And then we have a doctor for every system. So, we’ve got the cardiovascular system. We got a Cardio GI, we got the GI doctor. So, in Iowa, it looks at, well, what is common to all the cells, all the tissues, all the organs, all the organ systems, what are the commonalities, what ties them together? And it describes 3. I like to call them super systems. Those are the 3 basic things that anything needs to be alive.

Sometimes I play a little guessing game with my patients, what are the 3 things you need to be alive? Maybe they say, well, you need to eat. And I say, OK, so you need metabolism, right? You eat to create energy. Then they say, well, you’ve got to breathe. And of course, that means you’ve got to deliver that oxygen to the brain and everywhere. You got to have circulation, you need to have flow, and then you’ve got to have this energy production going on everywhere. Then what else do you need? Well, you kind of need something to hold it together. You need a body, right?


DR. NANCY LONSDORF: The muscles in the tissues, in the skin. So [UNINTELLIGIBLE] says those are all governed, in a sense, by their own software program. And it calls that a dosha. And it says VPK and you’ve got a V Vata, a P, a Peita and a K Kofa super system. And each super system has its own like software. And it’s got to be the software is perfect or almost perfect. If we have a genetic problem, maybe there’s a glitch in the software, but overall, if we feed the body right and we give it the right sleep and the right time and the right stress reduction and all that and exercise, then the physical system is programmed basically to stay healthy.

DR. MIKE MORENO: Right, and as long as you take care of your body and you give it proper fuel, you have to move it, you have to hydrate it, you have to relax it. I’ve always talked about it and I do. I talk with my patients every day. I say this multiple times a day, it’s 5 principles, that’s nutrition, It’s exercise, It’s hydration, It’s stress management and avoidance of smoking. To me, those 5 elements really, you’re putting your best foot forward.

Now accomplishing those 5 things, easier said than done, but I what I love is that whole thing, different strokes for different folks, right? Different things work for different people. And I think taking an approach that involves every possibility to heal mentally, physically, spiritually, whatever it is, why wouldn’t people do that? Doesn’t that drive you crazy sometimes that people are so just like narrow minded and this is how you do it? I don’t get it. What are you what are your thoughts? I’m sure you see a variety of patients that come in, some skeptics, some maybe not so much. How do you approach people like this?

DR. NANCY LONSDORF: Well, I’m really lucky because by the time people walk through an office door that says, Dr. Lonsdorf, Ayurvedic medicine, they pretty much want to come.

DR. MIKE MORENO: Wouldn’t rather some of these people have come at the beginning because it’s like they’ve exhausted so many things and God knows how much money and they’re no better off. In fact, they may be worse off because they’re driving themselves crazy with everything they’ve and they have no answers. So, they get to you and they’re just kind of like almost giving up in a sense.

DR. NANCY LONSDORF: Well, sometimes people say, you’re my last hope here or I wish I’d come to you a long time ago.


DR. NANCY LONSDORF: It’s the power of having this deeper knowledge. Ayurveda is like an extra power that I identify as you were saying, different strokes for different folks. Ayurveda is extremely personalized medicine, and it’s not just, OK, everybody should do paleo, or everybody should do keto, or everyone should X, Y or Z or exercise in an interval training.

Everybody is so different. There’s people that are dominant in the movement principle, those thin people who are never gain weight and they eat like a bird or they eat a lot or they just they’re always in motion and they’re kind of vivacious. Then you got the metabolic people that they’re driving hard, and they have enormous energy and they run companies and they can’t stop going like an Elon Musk or something. Then you’ve got the structural people, they’re heavier. They got heavy muscles and bones, and they tend to be kind of slower to take up new things, but they’re really stable and they’re the people you go to because you can tell them anything and it won’t phase them. They’ll be generous to you in their time.

Then we’ve got a combination of different types, but Ayurveda looks at not only the body, we call it the mind body type, but we look at what sort of balance did your nervous system circulatory system governed by this vata go out of balance. Well then it manifests and certain symptoms. So let me give you an example. Like a lot of people today have gas and bloating, it’s very common. People come in and it can be complex, especially like you said, if they didn’t come to you right away. There are 50 years of eating bad and abusing their body with lots of antibiotics or something. You’ve got to sort out and address each element, their microbiome. Maybe there’s a certain probiotic, whatever, but there’s this Ayurvedic dimension. So, I’ll give you an example of a pretty simple one.

DR. MIKE MORENO: Yeah, let’s go through an example, because I think people are probably like, oh, wait a minute, this is speaking to me. So now I want everybody to pay attention. Now, here it comes.

DR. NANCY LONSDORF: Ok, so I’ll give you an example, there was a lady about 40 years old and she came to see me. She’s a radio show host. They had radio shows but now you’ve got podcast host.She was doing a health show and came to me to say, I was diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome. After lunch every day I get all this bloating and gas and I run to the bathroom and I just don’t feel good. I’ve been suffering like this for years and, I don’t want to take the drugs they give me because they have side effects and that’s not really addressing the cause. So, I evaluated her. I took her pulse, which we can talk about later, that’s an Ayurvedic way of gaining additional information about an individual and their state of balance. Anyway, I said, well, you have a VATA imbalance. We say, so you have gas, bloating and what are you eating? I asked what she had for lunch and she said, Oh, well, I eat really healthy. I have a big salad and it’s only fresh vegetables, it’s all organic and blah, blah, blah. And I said, well, actually for your type, lot of raw vegetables can aggravate your digestion.


DR. NANCY LONSDORF: So even though it seems really great, raw diet and everything for you, you need cooked vegetables for lunch, and you should put little spices on, like cumin and fennel. Which will help your digestion and calm things down and some nice oils like a good olive oil. So, she said, OK, I’ll do it. Then she came back for her next visit and I said, Well, how’s it going? She said, I did just what you said. I started having a cooked lunch. She said within a week I had no symptoms. Then I followed up with her years later and she said, it went away. It was not IBS. It was a VATA imbalance like your Ayurveda said.

DR. MIKE MORENO: So, a lot of people- and I would imagine and again, I practice Western medicine, but I am very open to everything. I myself have had my share of health problems and I do acupuncture. I’ve gone to a chiropractor. My significant other has trained in integrative medicine. So, she’s always on me about try this and try that. She’s family medicine trained, but she did additional training in Arizona with Dr. Weil. So, she’s very much in touch with a lot of these things and it’s been helpful for me, not only for my own health, but sharing with my patients. A patient like what you said is probably gone to the regular doctor. They’ve had CAT scans, ultrasounds, every blood work and then they are just left with, well, there’s nothing wrong with you and that’s got to drive people nuts.

One of the things I do with my patients is journaling. I think a 14-day journal tells you a lot about a lot. I think one of the problems and I’m curious as to what you think is just with the Internet and with Google, with all of these things are so much information, it’s overwhelming for people. So they get confused naturally. I mean that’s just overwhelming themselves. How do you get them past that and sort of weave through those weeds, so to speak?

DR. NANCY LONSDORF: Well, again, I’m kind of lucky because by the time people decide they’re going to come and see me, they’ve decided they want to do what I tell them to do. They’re pulling their hair out. So, I’ve had enough of this. I’ve just I can’t figure out what’s right for me and I tried all these things. So, they’re really relieved to just have me tell them, well, this is what I find from Ayurveda and let’s do some tests, see if you’re low in minerals or vitamins. Let’s look microbiome maybe or maybe you have some really bad bacteria or yeast or something, and we’ll address that. So, then they get a program that’s exactly precisely like tailored to their needs. It’s customized. And then like I think you and most doctors who practice this kind of medicine, if the patient actually does what you tell them, our favorite patient is the ones whose doctor I’ll do whatever you tell me to do.

DR. MIKE MORENO: Compliance. Compliance, compliance.

DR. NANCY LONSDORF: Than actually 90% of the time they get better.

DR. MIKE MORENO: I tell people I think that the Internet or websites you want to use to go to for information, I tell my patients, come to me first. Let me give you an idea of what I think is going on. Let me give you a diagnosis and then I’m going to give you some good websites to go to and sort of investigate further, because there’s so much information out there. I don’t know everything. There’s so much out there. I tell my patients, look, websites want to point you towards exciting stuff. So, things like, cancers and bad stuff like that, but the reality of it is when you come in with your diagnosis after spending 30 minutes on the Internet, it really causes people to struggle. I tell them, I’m not saying stay off the Internet. I’m saying come to me.

Let me give you an idea of what I think you have and why and now I want you to go research and learn more about it. So I think what you do is it’s such a valuable commodity and it’s yet another sort of avenue for people to explore when things aren’t quite getting better or as good as they want to be. And it’s not to knock Western medicine. I’m a Western medicine guy. I’m not knocking my own people. I’m just saying, hey, we all have a place. We all have a role in this. I think it’s just learning more and there’s so much to learn.

That’s one of the things I love about interviewing individuals like you, because I learned so much and I hope that our conversation leads to that. Now, I want to go down because this is I got to be honest, one of the most exciting things, the interesting things that I find is the pulse. Let’s talk a little bit about what you gain from the pulse and let’s kind of share with our listeners what that is exactly.

DR. NANCY LONSDORF: Well, it’s just taking the pulse here at the radial artery, I just take the person’s pulse and it’s a traditional trained method and I use these middle three fingers and basically I feel at four different levels, very light pressure, a little deeper, kind of medium deep, and then all the way down to right where it’s about to block the artery all the way down to the deep.


DR. NANCY LONSDORF: And every level tells the doctor something different and actually you can learn it pretty fast. A doctor like you can learn it in a weekend. I’ve taught hundreds of doctors about the pulse in a weekend, not the whole, but the basics. They pick it up so fast. In fact, now I even with telemedicine, I can take somebody’s pulse if they’re crawling halfway across the world just by I tell them how to put their fingers on and I ask them questions and I get a lot of information from that because I’ve taught it so many times


DR. NANCY LONSDORF: In the light level of the pulse, you find out a lot about kind of their current state of immediate state of balance. Like maybe if they rush their lunch and they’re kind of nervous, they’ll be certain waveforms that show on the surface that tell me, oh, they’re kind of nervous or their digestion is being a little disturbed from rushing or maybe they’re irritable and that’ll show up on the surface. Then sometimes inflammation will show up. Then you press a little deeper and then you get localization of different parts of the body. That’s called the subdivision level.

So okay, well, maybe they have this anxiety, but now I see oh, there’s also tension. Maybe there’s tension in the neck or the lower back or their elimination feels like it’s blocked or their liver is hot, like maybe they’re eating a lot of bad foods or they’re drinking too much, or their emotions are all disturbed and they’re like maybe they have adverse child events and they’re kind of always emotionally stressed out or if their joints are getting dry or their joints are inflamed. You can tell all that on the second level of the pulse, the deeper level you find out about their metabolism, such as if their bones are hungry for calcium and not getting nourished or their digestion is not really pulling the nutrients from the food or from fat and/or sugar, metabolism is starting to get all clogged like they’re heading down the way of diabetes or even heart disease.

Then the deep level tells us about their overall strength. Is their body fighting to rebalance itself or is it just kind of getting hammered by stress and it’s kind of struggling? Deep down we feel that we find that power of the healing nature of the body working away trying to right the wrong.

DR. MIKE MORENO: So that’s what I wanted to talk about. Let’s kind of talk about the obvious, which is stress and how our bodies respond to stress. Now, I’ll give you an example of me. Again, let’s make this all about me because I’m a mess. I’m fortunate. I guess I’m fortunate when I’m stressed. The two things I do is I don’t eat, and I exercise like a maniac. Now, that’s good if you’re trying to lose weight, but it’s not necessarily good mentally. I mean, when I’m under stress, I can easily drop a ton of weight. With people going through this COVID thing, most people have gained weight and I’ve lost a bunch because I’m a nervous wreck. So, we’re all different. We all manage stress different. What’s your experience with stress and the different stress types and what are some of the things you people can take away from this, myself included?

DR. NANCY LONSDORF: There’s 3 stress types according to Ayurveda. We talked about the V and the P and the K, the movement type, the metabolism type and the stability type. If a person is anxious, some people respond by worrying a lot and getting anxious and maybe panicked. I’ve had plenty of patients who came to me this last year with panic that they’d never had before. We say that’s an imbalance in VATA. So, what we do is we do just like we did with the lady with the gas. We have the diet. Be nice and warm and cooked and well spiced and lots of soups and soothing food. They need a really regular routine. Certain herbs like go to Cola, Gonda, and Valerian. Those are all traditionally used in Ayurveda to kind of calm the nervous system. They really help.

I have patients who take something called Worry Free, which is by company is called VPK, and they take that every day and they said it really smooths them out. By the way, I don’t work for them, but Ayurveda puts these herbs together and it says that when they’re working together synergistically, they work better. So, then there’s the middle type, the metabolic type. And they are the hard driving people. And when they go out of balance, they usually get angry and aggressive and edgy and short tempered and pushy and-

DR. MIKE MORENO: What are you trying to say? So far, I’m two for two. I don’t know if we’re one or the other, but I got two under my belt.

DR. NANCY LONSDORF: So this is the prototype and what they need to do. Of all things, they need to avoid alcohol that will really make them worse. And caffeine, caffeine immediately. Oh, my gosh.

DR. MIKE MORENO: Which are probably two things that people go to, like the two things you tell them to avoid, they’re like, what! Are you kidding me? Like, that’s the two things I go to most. So, no wonder I messed up.

DR. NANCY LONSDORF: Because the alcohol has these metabolic byproducts that are irritating and toxic and they aggravate the liver and they cause inflammation, they disturb sleep. So, then the person doesn’t dream as well, and they don’t get rid of the emotional stress that REM sleep will provide us.


DR. NANCY LONSDORF: It would have emotional stress and then their liver gets irritated and then they get an inflamed tendency in the whole body. That aggravates further their irritability, according to Ayurveda. So vicious cycle and caffeine. Yeah, one of my one of my colleagues said that her husband worked for one of these people that we say is a maniac, super hard driven. He’d come into the office and pushes everyone around and get them grumpy and get them all working hard. They decided they were going to start cutting his morning coffee, which they were asked to make.

DR. MIKE MORENO: Oh! Did he know?

DR. NANCY LONSDORF: He didn’t know for about 2 weeks. I guess that he said he was so mellow, and they were so relieved. So, as you can see, it can really affect us. So those people need to have a really healthy diet. Hydrate. You mentioned hydration. They need to drink.

DR. MIKE MORENO: My biggest pet peeve.

DR. NANCY LONSDORF: Because they’re fiery. It’s like fire needs water to keep it under control. They really need a lot of water and they have to avoid anything impure and toxic. Like I mentioned, favorites of alcohol and caffeine, they got to stay away from the fried stuff and skip on all that sugar and everything.

DR. MIKE MORENO: Let me ask you a little bit about the executive wellness transformation, I want people to know a little bit about this because quite honestly, all of these things that you’re telling us are helpful for anybody and everybody. Life is difficult. Life is hard. I say that all the time and I throw it out there. When I said I think people just laugh it off… like, oh, yeah, life’s hard… I really mean it. Deep in my heart and my mind and my soul. Life is hard. It is difficult. I think back to the days of Little House on the Prairie with Michael Landon and how simple things were. There was no Internet issues for Michael Landon. It was just simple, and lo and behold, we’ve moved now in time, and don’t get me wrong, I think it’s great we’re able to do this show and to communicate and express all this information to people and get it out there through technology, but technology can bite you in the butt. So, talk a little bit about what this executive wellness transformation is about, because I think it’s important.

DR. NANCY LONSDORF: Yeah, that’s a program that I put together to pull all of the different approaches that I’ve trained in from Western medicine, functional medicine, nutrition and Ayurveda. We do a really comprehensive evaluation for a person coming in where we look at all that. I have them fill out extensive forms before they come in. Not just their medical history and their lab work but also their lifestyle and exactly what they eat and when they eat, when they go to bed and how they deal with their electronics, as you’re saying. Even Ayurveda things like which direction do you sleep with your head to the west or the head to the east? I mean, there’s actually some research that shows it influences our cortisol level, how we sleep.

So even directionality is part of Ayurveda. But anyway, we take in lots of different details then when they come in, I take their pulse, I add that information in and everything that they tell me about their issues and what have been done Then we create a customized program for them that addresses any underlying causes. Maybe they need to do some more lab work like gut work or look at their vitamins and minerals and all that. Then we put together a customized program address. What’s really important for them is that not everybody needs a lot of lab work. Sometimes Ayurveda is enough, and some people are really complex, and they need 3 or 4 approaches.

DR. MIKE MORENO: It’s so true, and I tell my patients, you have to really consider having an open mind and take a look at everything, because we said this earlier, different strokes for different folks. I think self-realization, one of the tools I use with my patients, I call M&M, which is mindfulness and motivate. This is my own thing. It’s called mindfulness and motivation tool. Basically, what I tell them is, before you do or not do, think about what your motivation is for doing or not doing. For example, before you sit down and eat this unhealthy meal, why do you want to be healthy, or do you want to be healthy? Is it for yourself? You want to look good; you’re going to retire, you want to travel for your kids, your grandkids, and then make the decision that that just 5 – 10 seconds of mindfulness goes such a long way and gives us insight into ourselves.

And I also find journaling so helpful. People do without recognizing or realizing what they’re doing or going to do, whether it’s food or behavioral. Not exercising or smoking or whatever it is. Right? So, I think it’s important. I think all of these things you do I love the greatest hits, the best of as you put it, because I think it’s a one stop shopping place to come to you and say, gosh, let’s take a look at everything. I mean, you’ve trained at some of the greatest places you can imagine and then you have all this other experience. I just think it’s a good way to approach things. Obviously, it’s been tremendously, wildly successful for you on your website. I understand there are some quizzes that people can take to just kind of give themselves. So, talk a little bit about that.

DR. NANCY LONSDORF: Yeah, I created a couple of quizzes to introduce people to Ayurveda and give them something really practical that can make a difference for their life very quickly. So, there are just like 5 questions on each quiz. There’s a stress quiz to find out your stress type. Once you submit your results, it will send you a recommendation tip once a week for 6 weeks.


DR. NANCY LONSDORF: Yeah. So, you have a little time to integrate it and it tells you why that’s being recommended and gives you some little recipes and stuff here and there. Then there’s one for digestion and it gives tips for the 3 different types of digestive imbalance. The gassy, bloated one, the acidic reflux thing, and the hot acid one. Then the heavy, sits there, people will say, I’m still digesting 3 hours later, it sits in my stomach. So, there are Ayurveda remedies for all those.

DR. MIKE MORENO: I mean, the body is so complex and there is so much to know, and you mentioned this at the beginning of the show, which was sometimes we don’t always have answers for everything. I think over my career and I think of just stories that you hear about on the news of children, right? Little kids getting sick with bad stuff, cancers and stuff. It breaks your heart. I mean, when you see young people or kids or anybody, really, whether you’re 110 years old, the human life is precious and when it’s not good, it’s kind of a bummer. It really is. I feel for these people and you see these things, but we don’t all have all the answers, but leave no stone unturned. Right? Really take a look at what’s out there and I think someone like you is such it’s such a joy to speak with. It’s so insightful for me and I hope for other people to recognize that there are a lot of options out there. I think we need to really look into them and exercise some of them.

DR. NANCY LONSDORF: Most beautifully said, Dr. Mike, and I share with you that commitment. I think that anybody with a really deep desire to be healthy and if they go to someone who is basically qualified, they’re going to get some improvement if they really apply themselves, as you said, if they just optimize their diet and whatever way they know best, that’s going to help something.

DR. MIKE MORENO: Right, right.

DR. NANCY LONSDORF: Go to bed earlier, get more sleep. Turn off the computer earlier, they’re going to get some benefit from that.

DR. MIKE MORENO: Well, I can’t thank you enough, I could talk to you forever for selfish reasons, but because I may need to come visit you, because I just I love what you’re doing. I think it’s another avenue. It’s another way to address this very complicated thing that we call a human being and life. So thank you for sharing everything, your expertise, your efforts and your hard work and commitment to this. You’re making the world a better place. I thank you for that personally.

DR. NANCY LONSDORF: Well, thank you and likewise.

DR. MIKE MORENO: So where can we send people? Where can I find you is what I’m asking. Where can we where can we send people? How do we get a hold of you? How can people get in touch with you?

DR. NANCY LONSDORF: Well, you can go to my website and then on my contact information there, the quizzes are there, the list of my books are there. It’s or

DR. MIKE MORENO: Well, thank you. That’s it, everybody. A lot of good stuff there, great, great stuff. Now for the weekly RX. You know, I think about this a lot because there’s so much good information, but I think one of the main things we need to think about is we’re all different. We’re all put together different, whether it’s how we’re raised, whether it’s the food we eat, or our culture, socio-economic. There are so many elements to our wellness and have an open mind about how you approach your wellness.

The other thing is that life is hard. Life is difficult. There are so many distractions and so many things, but you got to take care of your body. You have to take care of yourself mentally, physically and spiritually. Lastly, never give up. Don’t give up. Every life on this planet is precious. The loss of life is absolutely the worst thing anybody could go through but never give up because there is always a solution. It’s just about finding what works for you.

So that’s it for today. Don’t forget to subscribe for free, download and listen to Wellness, Inc. with me, Dr. Mike Moreno on Apple podcasts or wherever you listen, follow me on social media @The17DayDiet and Stage 29 Podcasts.

The Wellness, Inc. with Dr. Mike Moreno podcast is for informational and entertainment purposes only and is not intended as a replacement or substitution for any professional, medical, financial, legal, or other advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This podcast does not constitute the practice of medicine or any other professional service. The use of any information provided during this podcast is at the listeners own risk for medical or other advice appropriate to your specific situation, please consult a physician or other trained professional. Thank you.


About This Episode:

How is your brain health? Is your lifestyle putting you at risk? How can you find tailored healing for your unique mind-body type?

Many doctors and patients are seeking out a holistic approach to wellness. Lucky for us Ayurvedic medicine has over a 3,000-year head start doing just that. Originating in India, ‘ayur’ means ‘life’ and ‘veda’ means ‘science’ or ‘knowledge’. 3,000 years leaves a lot to catch up on, so we brought in Dr. Nancy Lonsdorf who is among the nation’s most prominent Ayurvedic doctors.

Physician, author, and educator specializing in women’s health, brain health, and executive wellness, Dr. Lonsdorf is leading the way in integrating Eastern and Western medical traditions. She is going to help us relieve pain and stress and bring balance to our bodies using methods proven effective over three millennia.

Dr. Mike and Dr. Lonsdorf addresses the basic principles of Ayurveda, what we can learn from our pulse, how our body responds to stress mode and provides tips for your stress type.


Connect with Dr. Nancy Lonsdorf